
Crab Roe Baozi

Walking through Gaochun Old Street, you will surely be curious with a cluster of heat and long queues waiting for people. What attracted so many people? That is the famous snack crab roe baozi.

I couldn't help but order two sets. I saw a baozi lying in a small dish. The baozi was very full and smooth, and the top wrinkles were layered. The yellow ginger was lying underneath, black vinegar sprinkle evenly around the baozi. The crab yellow baozi is full of aroma, with the fresh fragrance of crab, combined with the scent of vinegar, mixed with the fragrance of ginger, can not help to take a deep breath.

Gently bite a small mouth on the baozi, cool for a while, then slowly suck the crab soup inside, close your eyes, taste it carefully and slowly, you will feel very fragrant. After drinking the soup, you can see a small piece of golden yellow, orange-red crab yellow and white tender crab meat. Chewing with the baozi foreskin, the scent of the dough, the aroma of the crab, really complement each other!

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