
Xiaomao Shanjiao Village

Xiaomao Shanjiao Village is located in the YouziMountain area, close to theCittaslow South Road, with a total number of 110 households and a population of 254 people. The village is rich in natural resources such as Xiaomao mountain, Qingshan mountain reservoir, organic paddy field, ecological wetland and early garden bamboo. There are numerous historical and cultural resources such as GudunTombSite,SpringBuddhist Convent and century-oldHackberry.

In recent years, the village using the opportunityof becoming the first batch of provincial characteristic rural villagetoconstruct the countryside scene, rural construction, rural life. The villagerepairs the broken spots, infrastructure, public service facilities, improve the whole village appearance.All strong electricity, weak electricity pipeline are buried in the ground, gas pipelines are entering everyone’s home.The village becomes the first village to use natural gasoutside the urban planning area in Nanjing.

Relying on the resources of WujiazuiAgriculturalScience andTechnologyPark, the village carries out order-type cooperation and establishes the benefit connection mechanism of "base + cooperative + peasant household", so as to increase the family operating income by producing high-quality rice by order from theScience andTechnologyPark. At the same time, combined with the pilot reform of integrated type in our district,the village takes collective economic organization as the holding company, takes the land contract and management right, takes the whole village farmers as the members of the cooperative, and realize the revitalization through diversified investment, so that farmers can benefit from the share capital, salary and rent, and enjoy moreachievement of the collective economic development. The village form set up the rural tourism professional cooperatives, through natural villages of idle houses and collective construction land, etc., the introduction of MuQingPeachBlossomValleyBoutiqueHomestay, Zhengfu Cottage,etc.three industry integration project.Plan "Meet Maoshan,Xanadu Rice Village" as the goal, create "organic rice + slow culture" as the industry characteristics of village. Increase rural incomes for a long period of time and maintain the value and efficiency of collective capital.

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